Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's March 19, 2023 Weekly Weather



The second most intense week of the year starts now.  Prepare for a week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings. Pluto entering Aquarius for the first time in 248 years!!  New Moon, Sun, Mars, Ceres and Uranus on the world points!  Yes LOTS of Public events in our lives and the world!! Mars is out of bounds and enters Cancer forming a harsh aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Things will be VERY public!  A New Moon in Aries moments after Sun enters Aries. Sun, Neptune and Saturn is in Pisces push our dreams. Adventures await us, starting now.  Venus and Juno in Taurus enter the North Node, starting new fated time. Mercury in Aries fires up Mars out of bounds in Gemini, now clear of his shadow station point. Riotous energy.  All the Aries and Scorpio planets.get aggressive.  Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception so they can really act boldly, bravely and intensely as they can express themselves.  .   Action and stress as new cycles start..  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets mo