
Episode 253: Steven Levy



Steven Levy writes for Wired, where he is the editor of Backchannel. “It’s about people. Travis Kalanick’s foibles aren’t because he’s a technology executive. It’s because he’s Travis Kalanick. That’s the way he is. There is a certain strain in Silicon Valley, which rewards totally driven people, but that is humanity. And advanced technology is no guarantee—and as a matter of fact I don’t think it’ll do anything—from stopping ill-intentioned people from doing ill-intentioned things.” Thanks to MailChimp, Audm, Rover, and Babbel for sponsoring this week's episode. @StevenLevy stevenlevy.com Levy on Longform [03:00] readthissummer.com [04:00] "Hackers in Paradise" (Rolling Stone • Apr 1982) [05:45] Whole Earth Catalog [06:15] Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (O’Reilly Media • 2010) [11:00] "The Birth of the Mac: Rolling Stone’s 1984 Feature on Steve Jobs and his Whiz Kids" (Rolling Stone • Oct 2011) [19:00] "Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook’s Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity" (Wired • Apr 2014)