Tidal Flooding Talk

Tidal Flooding Talk - March 14, 2023



As we head into the last week of winter, we face some powerful storms hitting both coasts. In New England, a nor'easter is striking, while California is dealing with another strong storm. To add to the excitement, we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Great East Coast Superstorm of March 1993. In this episode, co-hosts Dan Skeldon and Palma Shiles discuss the past, current, and future storms along our shore. So grab a warm drink, sit back, and join us for this week's Tidal Flooding Talk. Tidal Flooding Talk is recorded live via Facebook every Tuesday and presented by the New Jersey Coastal Coalition - a nonprofit organization committed to building more resilient communities at the Jersey Shore. Follow the New Jersey Coastal Coalition on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe on YouTube and anywhere you get podcasts. Join the conversation online by commenting on the live stream on Facebook and #TidalFloodingTalk