Noah Iacono

AEW's Future is the Four Pillars!



In this video, we'll take a deep dive into All Elite Wrestling's strategic plan for success by continuing to utilize their homegrown talent. AEW's recent segment featuring the Four Pillars - MJF, Jungle Boy, Darby Allin, and Sammy Guevara - was a perfect example of the company's commitment to developing young stars from within.  From MJF's villainous charisma to Jungle Boy's underdog charm, Darby Allin's extreme edge to Sammy Guevara's high-flying abilities, each wrestler brings something unique to the table, as well as so many others on that roster.  We'll also discuss how AEW's focus on homegrown talent will continue to set them apart, and how this strategy has already paid off with the likes of Hangman Adam Page and Britt Baker becoming major stars in their own right.  Ultimately, we'll argue that continuing to invest in and showcase their talented roster is the key to AEW's future success. The Four Pillars segment was a perfect example of how AEW can utilize its young talent in compelling w