Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

The [heal.] Series Starts THIS WEEK!



Coming to the podcast this week and running for the next three weeks is a brand-new series called [heal.] which is all about mind and body health. Joining us are three world-renowned medical doctors. This week, Dr. Daniel Amen, who's joining us to talk about how to heal your brain to change your mind. Next week, Dr. Terry Wahls joins us to talk about how to heal any chronic autoimmune disease with food. And in two weeks, Dr. Anna Lembke, a respected Stanford psychiatrist is back to talk about mindsets that either collapse our potential or propel us toward it. So, here’s what I want you to do: if you don’t yet follow the podcast, do so right now. And then, share this trailer with just one person. Someone who you believe will be equipped by this new series to live a life marked by transformation and wholeness in their mind and body. [heal.] begins this week with the world-renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen.