Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

334: Jasmine L. Holmes on How Shame Compounds, The Gospel of Shame, and How Resentment and Grief Shape Our Souls



Today, we're with talking with author, educator, and speaker, Jasmine L. Holmes about how shame compounds, the "gospel" of shame, and how resentment and grief shape our souls. Shame has been a dominant theme in our cultural conversation for decades, but today, Jasmine is bringing a fresh take to the table. About shame, she said "Sometimes shame is hoisted on our shoulders in one big traumatic event, like a big boulder. Other times it adds weight to our shoulders incrementally, one pebble at a time, to where we barely notice the escalating weight." I resonate with that description a lot, and I'm sure you do, too. So in just a minute, Jasmine will unpack that statement and so much more. Dive Deeper: If you enjoy this episode with Jasmine, I'm sure you'll also enjoy the following: 323: Eric Johnson on Walking through an Emotional Breakdown, The Danger of Avoiding Emotions, and Wrestling with the Deep Issues of the Soul 319: Dr. Alison Cook on The Cocktail of Codependency, Learning Surrender, and the Dysf