Life Is Rich With Nate Scott

EP 37: Life Is Rich: Foreword



Hello this is Nate Scott, author of Life Is Rich: How To Create Lasting Wealth, and welcome to the Life Is Rich podcast. In order to help 25,000 Women to Live In Fullness Everyday - Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, Relationally, Physically, and Financially - by 2024, I will help 50 Kingdom Entrepreneurs reach their goal of helping 500 Women in any of the six areas. #LifeIsRich In today’s ‘Life Is Rich” podcast, I am reading the Preface and Introduction of "Life Is Rich: How To Create Lasting Wealth". Nate Scott is a Strategic Leadership Coach and author of “Life Is Rich: How To Create Lasting Wealth”. From Enlisted Soldier to Executive to Entrepreneur, Nate has been equipping people who feel they have potential for more to be effective decision makers for over 20 years. He is passionate about helping women learn the leadership principles and disciplines needed to succeed no matter what the goal is. Who We Serve and The Problem We Solve We empower women who experience a life transition and are tired of maki