Leader Of Learning

So you want to be a school leader?



In episode 156 of the Leader of Learning Podcast, I discuss when someone will know when the time is right for them to look to advance to the next level in their career. For educators, that may mean becoming a school leader. I ask the question “Should you take the next step in your career?” There are three (and maybe more) reasons why you should. First, you are unhappy or unfulfilled in your role. Next, you feel like you are ready to make a bigger impact in your organization or your field. Finally, you want to make more money or want to live a better lifestyle. Full show notes and more information about this episode can be found at https://leaderoflearning.com/becoming-a-school-leader.Download my free guide “The Teacher’s Guide to Becoming a School Leader” at https://leaderoflearning.com/guidePurchase “The Transformational Leader’s Reflection Guide” at https://leaderoflearning.com/journalDownload my FREE eBook “Lead to Inspire Growth” at https://leaderoflearning.com/ebookEnroll in my free course “Unlock Your L