Light On Light Through

Memo To Networks: Tell Us Which Candidates Are Raising Their Hands!



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 33 - Memo To Networks: Tell Us Which Candidates Are Raising Their Hands! - in the Presidential debates that you're televising, that is ... when you ask a question that requires a show of hands - such as, do any of you not believe in evolution? - how about telling us who raised their hands?  (Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo did in Thursday's Republican debate) ... Plus flashes ... Digg almost melts down after removing articles about some code ... shout-out to Heroes for its superb Five Years Gone time-travel episode ... Try GoToMyPC free for 30 days!  For this special offer, visit  Helpful links: Memo to MSNBC: Tell Us Whose Hand Is Up my blog post Three Republicans Who Deny Evolution  and First Republican Televised Debate more blog posts from me Post-Mortem of Digg's Flirtation with Death my blog post ... other reader-directed systems: and and and Heroes Five Year