Light On Light Through

John Edwards' Favorite Book: The Trial of Socrates



Welcome to Episode 31 of Light On Light Through ... in which we discuss what it means when a Presidential candidate's favorite book is I .F. Stone's The Trial of Socrates ... It means John Edwards loves history and philosophy, has intellectual daring, is concerned about what can go wrong in a democracy, is an opponent of censorship, and a friend of diversity and tolerance ... When was the last time we had a President with such qualities?  John F. Kennedy? Plus flashes ... Jack Thompson at it again with his nonsense about videogames ... NBC was wrong to air the Virgina Tech killer's tape... Try GoToMyPC free for 30 days!  For this special offer, visit  Helpful links: my blog post about Edwards and Socrates ... John Edwards' Favorite BookJohn Edwards' web siteI. F. Stone's The Trial of Socratesmy blog posts about Jack Thompson and about NBCI go head-to-head with Jack Thompson on CNBC last JuneThe Silk Code podiobook - my award-winning novel, read by Shaun Farrell, available free -  at h