Light On Light Through

Keith Olbermann, Jack Bauer, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge



Welcome to Episode 18 of Light On Light Through - Keith Olbermann, Jack Bauer, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge ... What do these three have in common? Well, last Tuesday evening, Olbermann delivered a diatribe about 24 and Jack Bauer, as perhaps deliberate tools of the Bush administration to frighten the American people about terrorism, and thereby shore up support for its policies.  I say Olbermann misunderstands how people enjoy fiction, and recommend to him and his producers an acquaintance with Coleridge's "willing suspension of disbelief".  I also recommend Thomas Jefferson, for his confidence in human rationality and his distrust of anything that smacks of calling for censorship... Helpful links: Olbermann's attack on 24 - don't know how long the link will be upColeridge's Biographia Literaria - where he discusses "willing suspension of disbelief"24 Season Premier (first 4 hours) - object of Olbermann's ire - more from me on this topic Enjoy... Paul web: http://paullevinson.i