Light On Light Through

diGGin' Round: Further Adventures in Gate Opening



Welcome to Episode 16 of Light On Light Through: diGGin' Round: Further Adventures in Gate-Opening, in which I take a look at Digg, the fabulously popular online news system, in which readers not editors choose what is on the front page.  Like Wikipedia, Digg (for the most part) is run by its users.  Like Wiki, Digg suffers from vandals on the one hand and zealots who bury stories too quickly on the other.  But at least Digg and Wikipedia are honest and open about how their articles are chosen - unlike the New York Times, for example, which says it publishes "all the news that's fit to print," when in fact it's publishing all the news that a small group of editors deem fit to print.  The Beatles were turned down by 26 record companies before someone had the sense to sign them.  So much for experts and editors.  Good for Digg for trying something different... (See also Digg and Wikipedia: Further Adventures in Gate-Opening.) In addition to looking around Digg, I also had the pleasure of making guest appearance