Light On Light Through

The Stuff of the Cosmos



Happy New Year!  And welcome to Episode 15 of Light On Light Through:  The Stuff of the Cosmos ... Carl Sagan, who died ten years ago at the end of December, said that, because we come from the cosmos, when we look out at the cosmos with our telescopes, we are but the stuff of the cosmos looking back at itself ... in this New Year's podcast we explore the meaning and impact of Carl Sagan's thought, including his dual pursuit of knowledge and fame ... and we look at the need of our species to get beyond this planet and out into the cosmos, our truest home... Also in this episode: a medley of our music from our podcasts since October (which was the beginning of Light On Light Through), including samples from Idris Elba, Ebony Moore, Jeffrey Foucault, and B J Cunningham - look at the show notes for previous episodes, for details about where to find and hear more of their music. I'll be back again next week, in 2007.  In the meantime, enjoy... Paul web: http://paullevinson.infoblog: http://paullevinson.blogspot.c