Fuel Your Marketing Podcast With Arti Sharma| Marketing Podcast For Ceo's, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs And Modern Marketer

Search Engine Optimization Trends 2023 and Beyond: Voice Search on Maps



Your Google My Business profile might be updated and well-managed but are you also using Apple Business Connect? Can people find your business on Apple Maps? It’s something that you don’t want to miss out on. In this episode, Arti Sharma shares more about the current SEO trends. Here, she gives you some important tips to help optimize for local Voice Searches on different Maps.  Listen and learn in this episode!   KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE More than 2 Billion people are using Voice Search to find businesses, products, services, and general information. One big reason why voice search has been so successful in recent years is that it’s being used in smartphones, smart homes, cars, and everywhere else.  The 3 types of Voice Searches: Discovery, Direct, and Knowledge-based. In discovery searches, people are looking for types of local businesses. In direct searches, people ask for information about a specific local business. Knowledge searches may have local businesses’ intent, but local businesses can cre