Crafty Ass Female

Episode 172: rukristin's Daily Pages



What are rukristin's Daily Pages? - Daily Pages are a project that rukristin came up with in the summer of 2018 - Each day, she opens up a small notebook to the first/next two blank pages and creates something with pictures, paper, words, or the bits of life - The Daily Pages project is a way for people to document their lives in a simple and accessible way. By using small notebook there is less surface to fill, which makes it simpler and faster to create pages and tell the stories of your life. - Through repetition and habit building, Daily Pages helps to create incredible outcomes — both on the page and inside the artist. What can Daily Pages do for you? - Daily Pages will make you a better artist. - You will level up your skills - Whatever tools you're using? You'll get better - You will find and develop your style - You will tell stories about your life that you wouldn't have otherwise - You'll use (more of) your stuff - You'll get new ideas for how to use your