Crafty Ass Female

Episode 171: All About Scissors



More about this week's show: Scissors are so important as a scrapbooker! Here's a rundown of the scissors we talked about on today's show and the things they are best at. Everyday/all-around scissors: Grey/Yellow -- Westcott 8" Titanium Bonded Scissors ( These are my everyday go-to scissors. I cut everything with these. I use them for Daily Pages, stickers, washi tape, whatever I need on a regular basis. These scissors definitely get the most use. Cutting straight lines: Purple -- Westcott Extreme Edge Titanium 9” ( For cutting straight lines, the most important thing is a long blade with a 'bent' edge. I use these scissors for cutting straight lines on paper when my trimmer isn’t an option. Like when I need to cut paper that’s less than an inch wide, or when the paper is super small. Or when I don’t want to bring the trimmer with me on a trip. Another pair of Westcott Titanium scissors. These are my paper-only scissors. I don’t let the blades go near anythin