Ltb Podcast

#387 Mark Fisher: Mastering Marketing & Managing Distractions



  In the world of fitness, few have delved as deeply into the realms of business, personal growth, and education as our distinguished guest today. We're excited to welcome back Mark Fisher, the inspirational founder of Mark Fisher Fitness, to the Lift the Bar Podcast as he discusses his new book, The Book of Fitness Business Secrets. Join us and uncover some of the key secrets behind Mark's success.  Explore Mark's essential pillars of marketing and learn how they have contributed to the meteoric rise of Mark Fisher Fitness. Uncover practical tips for managing distractions. Even the ones that come from inside your own head! Mark also shares his invaluable approach for gathering meaningful feedback from clients and even talks about when he chooses to disregard feedback.  This episode is a treasure trove of valuable insights for personal trainers, gym owners, and fitness enthusiasts looking to up their game in the competitive fitness industry. You don't want to miss this opportunity to learn from Mark Fis