
A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 97 excerpt)



Story 97 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie. How long will it take to be enlightened? This is such a firstworld question. We want the truth and we want it now, to paraphrase Jim Morrison. There is no answer to that question, because it is the wrong question. And what’s more, enlightenment is not simply an answer, similar to the woman in Saks Fifth Avenue who asked how much the fur coat cost in the window who was told, “Madam, if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” Nevertheless, let’s respond with the truth rather than attempting an answer to the wrong question.... narrated by Ian McCrorie 2023 4 minutes 41 seconds Listen to Streaming Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Audio (2.7MB) Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyat