Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 15. 2023 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!  The first one is April 19 at the anaeretic degree of Aries!  Release, release, release!  Sun meets up with Moon after loading up on Jupiter.  The eclipse is super charged with Out of Bounds Mars in Cancer pushing the energy mighty fast.  Mars is ruled by the Moon in Aries traveling fast.  Mercury goes retrograde.  You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.  Talk to your ghosts!!  They will be visiting. Mars is out of bounds in a cardinal sign making action our preferred mode of being.  Not much air so folks are NOT listening. Check all communications.   Venus is in Gemini and goes out of bounds too.  In mutual reception with retrograde Mercury you will have to do everything twice, Venus asks us to explore our options as she rules the North Node of Fate during this eclipse season. This is the first new moon after Pluto entered Aquarius so lots going on as it approaches a square to Pluto.  We get to know him in a