Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's Eclipse Season Spring 2023 Special



The Eclipse season in Spring 2023 is particularly potent. First is a hybrid eclipse, Nodes of Fate finishing up in Scorpio and Taurus while the Solar Eclipse New Moon is at the last degrees of Aries/Libra where the Nodes arrive in July. (Lunar Nodes move backwards through the zodiac.). Only 4.8% of eclipses are total hybrid ~ only 7 take place in the 21st century ~ and this is one of them. The eclipse is the first New Moon since Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in 248 years. The eclipse is applying to and square Pluto in Aquarius. The United States recently finished our Capricorn Pluto return. We are waiting for our Progressed Pluto Return in Aquarius ~ this eclipse straddles the midpoint of the natal and progressed Pluto returns. Suffice to say, it's a whopper. The eclipse chart cast for Washington, DC finds the Sun and Moon on the Arabic Part of Fatality and Ceres in Virgo opposite the Arabic Part of Death. Washington has quite a few older leaders whose charts are being very affected by the plane