Newshour Extra

What is hostage diplomacy and why is it on the rise?



Russia's arrest of the American journalist Evan Gershkovich for spying has shone a spotlight on what the US calls 'hostage diplomacy', a practice which involves imprisoning a foreign national, usually on spurious or exaggerated charges in order to extract concessions from that person’s government. The increase of hostage diplomacy—by China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea—recently prompted President Biden to declare it a national emergency. This week the US announced that Mr Gershkovich is being held in Russia as “wrongfully detained”, a finding that means the American government sees him as a political hostage. As the number of detentions has increased, the US has become more willing to strike deals with foreign governments to free US nationals. Last year’s high-profile prisoner swap of US basketball star Brittney Griner and Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout was hailed by some as a diplomatic success story. But critics say it sets a dangerous precedent, arguing that prisoner exchanges simply encou