Kylie Camps

Uncover how Trauma (big or small) is shaping your life



Episode 160 is a conversation about Trauma featuring Jordana Edwards and Alex Osborn of Recharge Psych. We scratch the surface on the way Trauma can impact all areas of our life.We speak about: Trauma being personal and subjectiveHow it feels in the body and mind Why it happens The impact it can have on relationships Where to start healing How trauma can propel us forward Different modalities available and more.Alex and Jordana are both Clinical Psychologists have each been working as Psychologists for nearly 15 years. They have been best friends for the last 16 years and are both mums of 2. They’ve worked in private practice together for 12 years and treat a broad spectrum of presentations through the lifespan. They have both trained in CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Schema Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR). 2 years ago launched their own private practice (along with 2 other business partners) – Engaging Minds Clinical Psychology. This business continues