Kylie Camps

Deficiency, Cravings & Dreams With Tabitha Fennell



Episode 141 is a conversation with Tabitha Fennell. We cover a lot, from themes of dreams and spirit animals to the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine. Tabitha unpacks the term 'Spleen Deficiency' and explains how it feels and what we can do to manage it.Tabitha is an acupuncturist, business owner, fellow podcaster and much much more. Tabitha Fennel can be found here and here @tabithajfennell In real life at Studio Qi located in Burleigh on the Gold Coast.Tabitha co-hosts a podcast with her husband, Brad Fennell and you can tune in and turn on here :https://www.turnonthepodcast.comTabitha has kindly extended a special offer to the podcast community:Book in for a 60 minute coaching session to unfold and explore early memories, childhood dreams, myths and how to harness this knowledge to bring a change to life. Usually $180, BOOK now to secure the special reduced rate of $150.For Gold Coast locals Studio Qi is offering an initial acupuncture session for the special price of $80, no