Kylie Camps

Binge Eating Disorder, Recovery & What Mia Did Next



Episode 72 is a discussion with Mia Findlay about eating disorders and recovery. This is a topic close to my heart and something I have wanted to explore for the longest time but I have to admit, I have been wary on HOW to provide the most value for our listeners. Mia Findlay is an eating disorder recovery coach, content creator and business owner who has been the ambassador for The Butterfly Foundation for the last two years. She recovered from her own eating disorder almost seven years ago and now works with men and women from all over the world to reach full recovery. Her passion for eating disorder awareness and advocacy started with her YouTube channel, which was once just a personal diary where she documented her recovery. It has since become a community of more than 50,000 people where she connects with her following on dismantling diet culture, questioning beauty standards and demonstrating that life beyond an eating disorder is possible. Instagram: http://