Kylie Camps

Episode 65 - Breathing, Trauma And "The Work" With Nicola Laye



In this episode I chat with the wonderfully impactful Nicola Laye and you're going to love her! If you follow my rambles over on Ig stories you will know, I am a massive fan of Nicola and her work. Experiencing the cathartic process of taking part in one of her breath work circles was a pivotal moment for me personally. I knew I was carrying some trauma with me, but I didnt know how to make space for it and this woman has helped me greatly to hold all different sides of myself with love. She has seen me cry uncontrollably and coached me through it with empathy and awareness.Nicola shares her own story and how the work she does empowers women through all different seasons of life. To learn more about Nicola and access her FREE MEDITATION be sure to visit her here She also has kindly offered our listeners a discount code KYLIE40 which gets you 40% off your meditation package. You can follow Nicola on the gram here @nicola_layeThis episode is bought to you by my favourites at Nutra Organics!