Kylie Camps

Episode 31 - Managing Perfectionism With Compassion ft Dr. Libby Quinn



Perfectionism. We have all heard of it. You might also have experienced this in yourself at times and in others. Whether you identify strongly with perfectionism or not, you may very well have this core-belief resting under the surface and not know. Perfectionism can often present in our minds as a strong inner-critic, as often not feeling "enough", overwhelm, procrastination, not saying yes to opportunities, or expending effort in one or several areas in your life to have things "just right". Perfectionism has actually become a glorified trait to have in this modern age. In fact research demonstrates that it is a modern life of endless opportunities that is also contributing to the rising rates of perfectionism. Some may argue that perfectionism allows them to achieve the success that they have accomplished. However, the research also demonstrates that perfectionism is strongly linked to higher rates of stress, anxiety and depression. Perfectionism can breed a negative inner voice which means we are in fact