Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

Ep. 13 - Six Secrets to a Summer Six Pack



Summer is 60 days away even if it doesn't feel like it in Winnipeg… But summer bodies are built now! I’m going to reveal six secrets to help you go from low energy and lacking confidence… To having abs, energy and dripping with confidence in time for summer! We'll show you the 10% of actions that lead to 90% of results!(And a few next level hacks that'll be icing on the cake you definitely haven't heard of before)​​ WITHOUT... - Crazy fad diets that make eating feel like a chore so you eat healthy without compromising taste. - Long circuit workouts (you won’t need a gym unless you prefer) spending hours at a time on exercises that don’t move the needle. - The need for expensive machines like Peloton bikes, Tonals, rowing machines, crazy circuits etc… All it involves is working out 30 mins 3-4x per week with easy to follow exercises that anyone can do. So you still have time and energy to do the other things you love, like hang with the family or enjoy other hobbies. And then we'll show you