Rebel Steps

PSA: Jail Support Tips from CZN



Another PSA from CZN about how to support your comrades if they're arrested. Also check out our full episode on jail support at protests continuing in cities all over the world, the Channel Zero Network has some reminders on how to support those who have been arrested, and those who may be arrested in the coming days and weeks. Arrests are one tool cops use to repress mass movements. Arrest keeps protesters off the streets during demonstrations. They scare people with the threat of court cases and potential prison sentences. Alone, we feel defenseless against the police and the courts. By providing jail and court support, we can push back against this repression, from the moment that our comrades are taken in, to the end of their court case.Before heading out into the streets, make sure you and everyone you're with has acontact number written on their body. You'll need to get in touch with someone if you're arrested and you