Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 23, 2023 Weekly Weather



Eclipse season continues with a full swinging hammer of Thor ~ with Venus as the handle. She's out of bounds in Gemini so expect doubles. The business part of the Hammer is Pluto at 0 Aquarius and the South Node of Loss and release at 4 Scorpio. The Hammer is swinging between April 23 and April 28. Additionally, Sun and Vesta dive into the North Node of Fate, making us change our life direction and home. Eris and Jupiter are united in taking things on that need to change. Juno, our partnership asteroid, is on the star of beheading and sudden loss ~ Algol. Not a pleasant week but the closing aspects of the Moon suggest in the end it will be okay. Hang on for a wild eclipse ride. Find all sorts of offerings and things on Have a safe eclipse week!