Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

The Fight (Jude 5-16)



2. The Fight (Ancient & Modern) (Jude 5-16) Jude: Contending for the Faith Contextual and Application Questions on Jude v. 5-16: 1. How does each of the Old Testament examples in v. 5-7 illustrate a rebellion of belief in the mind of the creature about the Creator and the status of the creature in relation to the Creator? (How did they deny the authority, morality, and glory of God?) 2. Where do the beliefs of false teachers originate? What will they ultimately result in? (v.8, 10) 3. Why can we not allow our beliefs to be shaped by our instincts (v. 10)? Where must we always turn instead for right belief and understanding? a. What lies concerning God’s authority, morality, and glory do you think are common in today’s mindset, that we need to guard against? (For example, “I don’t need God in my life – I know what’s best for me” or “The morality of the Bible is outdated – things have changed” etc.) b. Which of these lies are you contending with at the moment? Are there any that you should be contending wi