Resolution Foundation Podcasts

Playing by the rules: A new approach to enforcing workers’ rights - Session 3: Keynote speech from Angela Rayner MP



Keynote speech by Angela Rayner MP, followed by Q&A with Resolution Foundation Chief Executive Torsten Bell. Debates about raising, or indeed cutting, legal protections for workers are a staple of British politics – with welcome progress including a rising minimum wage driving down low pay. But too often the reality that these rights, rates and rules mean little if they aren’t enforced is forgotten. The systems used to enforce workers’ rights are often fragmented and underfunded, making it harder to identify breaches and deter poor behaviour. It is still far too easy for bad employers to undercut good employers by ducking minimum legal standards. And our focus on individuals to enforce their own rights brings challenges when those most at risk from rights violations are the least likely to report it. The UK needs a new approach to better protect workers and enforce their rights, informed by our own experience but also that of other countries. To what extent do UK firms comply with workers’ rights? How are