Pod Bless Canada

Ep. 26 - "Claws of the Panda" with Shuvaloy Majumdar and Jonathan Manthorpe



In this episode of Pod Bless Canada, MLI Munk Senior Fellow Shuvaloy Majumdar is joined by Jonathan Manthorpe, a legend in Canadian journalism and international affairs and recent author of the timely Claws of the Panda: Beijing's Campaign of Influence and Intimidation in Canada. The two discuss the central themes and fortuitous timing of Claws of the Panda, which first hit bookshelves shortly after Canada’s arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou cast Canada-China relations into chaos this past December. Mr. Manthorpe argues that this event reveals the true character of China’s Communist Party, the frailty of Canada-China relations, and why—now more than ever—Canada must stand up for our values, international institutions, and the security of us and our true allies abroad. Jonathan Manthorpe has toured the world as a foreign correspondent and international affairs columnist for the last 40 years, heading up bureaus in Europe, Africa, and Hong Kong for several leading newspapers. Based today in Vancouver, he now