Innovation Agency

S21 Ep20: Supplier of the Year #EISNorth2021



The man who leads the organisation which won recognition at the recent NHS in the North Excellence in Supply Awards has been talking about how the innovative use of digital technology is changing lives. Health Call's systems allow care home staff to remotely monitor residents’ health, quickly identify signs of illness, and make electronic referrals to the appropriate NHS service and won the Patient Experience and overall Supplier of the Year categories. The awards celebrate inspirational collaborations between the NHS and its suppliers across the North of England. With almost 4,000 people now registered on the Digital Care Home system, the innovation has enabled more than 30,000 referrals to be made, cut community nurse visits by 30% and saved the NHS around £8 million due to a reduction in unnecessary hospital stays.  The technology has been developed by Durham County Council and the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, which is part of Health Call, a collaboration of seven NHS foundation trus