Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's April 30, 2023 Weekly Weather



The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!  This week we have a full Moon eclipse on May 5, 2023. Release, release, release!  Venus changes signs and enters Cancer.  Pallas Athena and Juno change signs and Ceres stations to go direct. Venus forms aspects with Neptune and Jupiter this week, making Venus a powerful force.  The eclipse is super charged with Out of Bounds Mars in Cancer pushing the energy mighty fast. Mars out of Bounds is ruled by the Scorpio moon.  Mercury is retrograde and telling secrets!  You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.  Talk to your ghosts!!  They will be visiting. Not much air so folks are NOT listening. Check all communications.   Pluto stations to go retrograde until October.  Our sneak preview of Pluto in Aquarius continues.  Pay attention to all you hear. Strategies for dealing with eclipses this strong. Go to the hospital if sick.  Let the energy flow through you.  Observe.  Caution around acting unless absolutely nece