Light On Light Through

'It's Real Life' on Captain Phil's Planet



Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 351, in which I visit Captain Phil's Planet on WUSB Radio (Stony Brook University) where he plays and we discuss the radio play "It's Real Life," adapted from my short story, narrated by Bobby Roberto, produced and streaming on Radio. listen to the radio play on, streaming free, where you'll find complete credits for the performances and production of the play, as well as an additional interview with me right after the radio play, and the three songs heard on the radio play  read my original short story (free) adapted into the radio play my interview with Anne Reburn, who sang "Real Love" in the radio play Anne Reburn's YouTube video of "Real Love" as performed in the radio play my interview with Spencer Hannabus, who sang "If I Traveled to the Past" at the end of the radio play