Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

The Fight for the Heart (Jude 17-23)



A Study in the Book of Jude "Jude: Contending for the Faith"  Week 3: “The Fight for the Heart” (Jude v. 17-23) Pastor Kyle begin his message by highlighting several celebrities who grew up as Christians but has since renounced their faith and walked away from Christianity.  The statistics show that we are leaving in the middle of a cultural revolution where people are leaving the Christian faith in unprecedented numbers. How should we respond? Jude recommends looking back, looking up and looking around.  Look Back - Remember (Jude 17-19) - Jude encourages God's people to look back and remember the predictions of the apostles to understand our current age. What sorts of things do the Apostles predict in Matthew 24:10-13, Acts 20:29-30, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1-3, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and how do you seem of these predictions coming to fulfillment in the world around you? According to Jude 19, what sorts of characteristics do False Teachers have and what impact do False Teachers bring to a Christian community?   L