Chantal Heide - Canada's Dating Coach

How to Navigate Online Dating Like a Pro: 7th Real Dating Coaching with Holly



Welcome to another episode of My Dating and Relationship podcast. Today, I'm excited to have Holly back for our seventh session together. Over the past few sessions, we've been working on helping Holly improve how she navigates dating, and today she's here to share her experience with our listeners. During our session, Holly shared how she's feeling more empowered in her dating life, and it's all thanks to the No Kissing for 3 Months Dating Rule advice I've given her and everything she learned from my book No More Assholes.   We discussed how implementing the rule has made a huge difference in her dating approach. Holly mentioned that she no longer feels pressured to be physically intimate early on, which has allowed her to make more objective decisions about her dates. We also worked on Holly's dating profile, and I helped her select photos that truly represent her and her interests. We talked about how important it is to showcase your personality in your dating profile, as it helps attract like-minded indiv