Coffee & Change

Episode 121: The Light Meeting



Remember back to the days of pandemic lockdown, when so many of us tapped into the well of mindfulness, meditation and mental wellness apps? Perhaps you dusted off the Headspace app in your phone or maybe you discovered an app called Insight Timer, discovering audio treasures and tracks including music to help us heal amidst our unyielding grief. In those early days, when it was hard to breathe, even scary to breathe, I stumbled upon an artist page in the Insight Timer app. It was one breathtaking photo of the Cliffs of Moher that caught my eye. And with one tap further, I dove into a track called Ireland. And it changed everything for me. It was in that moment, my grief danced with a duo of souls using the power of intention and frequency to resonate new levels of healing. Matt Bingham and Andrew Hamby make up the duo The Light Meeting. Matt on Guitar and Andrew on Cello. And their creations became my soundtrack for serenity, solitude and stability when all around us was falling apart. On this episode I