Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

Do you have crabs in your bucket? Big takeaway from Houston!



I want to talk proximity is power. So I just got back from Houston. Part of a mastermind with other fitness coaches all over the world who think at a higher level than if I was just to stay in my local community.So I invested in putting myself in the right rooms around the right people to elevate my skill set, systems and ultimately, you know, become a better, more impactful coach. The theme of the event was to surround yourself with the right people.So one of the speakers I think it was Steve Eckert. Talked about, you know, look through your phone, who are the last five people that you texted, are they People that are exemplifying the life you want to live? Are they pulling you up? Or keeping you down now, of course, you can't choose your family and maybe you have long lasting friends.So you don't eliminate these relationships. But you have to put yourself around people that you want to become. They're gonna help push you to the next level. It's the whole crabs in the bucket mentality. Bed