Fear the Walking Dead ‘Cast

355: The Jason & Karen Show



Here it is, the first episode of The Jason & Karen Show. We think it's delightfully random, and fun, and it's filled with stuff we're interested in, and nothing we're not. You guys said you'd listen to us talk about anything. Here you go! :) In this particular episode we talk about the freakin’ hilarious FX vampire comedy, What We Do in the Shadows, plus the Impossible Burger, Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland, Data-from-Star-Trek’s inability to use contractions, X-Men, our cats, the merits of death, and whether Columbine High should be torn down, among other things. Like any good potent dopamine booster, this first one is free. To hear subsequent episodes, you gotta sign up for Patreon at the $5 level or above at patreon.com/jasonandkaren. We'll have another episode out in a week or so covering the new Jim Jarmusch/Bill Murry zed movie, The Dead Don't Die (and other fun stuff). And to get serious for a second, this podcast is a patron exclusive as a thank you to all you guys supporting our podcasti