Studio Sherpas Podcast

332. Creating Remarkable Customer Experiences in Corporate Filmmaking: Lessons from Shep Hyken



The quality of the customer service experience that you provide is equally as important as the quality of the work that you produce. On the show today I talk with customer service expert Shep Hyken about how to create a truly remarkable customer service experience in your business.  Customer service is not simply a department within your business, it’s a philosophy that should permeate every step of your customer service journey. Every single interaction between your business and your client speaks to the level at which you care for your client. Be intentional to meet client expectations in all of these interactions to show that you care. This type of customer service will lead to more loyal customers than you would ever imagine! Key Takeaways  The quality of what you produce means nothing if you have no clients to pay for what you produce. Care more about the client rather than making the sale. This will lead to healthy, loyal relationships and also to more closed deals. Become service aware and evaluate ev