Owl Pellets: Tips For Ag Teachers

Teach Grand Challenges: Food Banks - Help take a bite out of hunger



Grand challenge in this episode: Food Banks About the Challenge The purpose of this project is to leverage a preexisting online professional development resource and its large following of SBA educators to create a more effective model of professional development where teachers engage in immersive experiences in agriculture, capture those experiences via the formats already used by Owl Pellets, and share them with their peers to develop an ever-growing community of practice around grand agricultural challenges founds within teachers’ local communities and FANH careers. One of the primary goals of this project is to re-engage SBA educators in the challenges, technology, and work of their local agricultural community – making grand challenges local. Visit the Teach Grand Challenges website. About the Guest Lindsey Garner completed a Bachelor of Science from Michigan State University in Environmental Studies and Agriscience in 2015 and then completed a Master of Arts Degree from Michigan State University in Agri