Angel Invest Boston

Jo Schneier "Training for the Other 64%"



Invest Alongside Boston's Leading Angels in Our Syndicates: OPT IN HERE In this interview, repeat founder Jo Schneier addresses the problem of providing effective training to the 64 percent of the population that does not have a college degree. Drawing on Jo’s experiences and prior startups, Cognotion’s opening gambit is a training platform for Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) an occupation with stratospheric job turnover. Cognotion seems to be succeeding in improving retention of its client’s CNAs. Here are some of the topics addressed: Sal’s Pitch for the Angel Invest Boston Syndicate Sal’s Intro of Jo Schneier How Jo Schneier Became an Entrepreneur Jo Schneier Is Pulled into Cognotion “We looked at all of the 64 percent of Americans that don't get a college degree, a four-year college degree. And we were asking ourselves, where did they land in the workforce? And were there opportunities for them where they can move from a minimum wage job up the ladder a little bit, so they start on the pathway up for