Agency Journey

How Roger West Gained Structure and Scale Without Losing Creativity



Misti Ferris holds the “Integrator” seat at digital marketing agency Roger West Creative & Code, which means she ensures that everyone is dancing to the same beat called EOS (even the creatives). In addition to the Integrator role, Misti serves as Vice President of Operations, where her “3 M” mantra: marketer, minimalist and mom (of 4 daughters) is the driving force behind all things requiring structure, process and a firm yet loving nudge.In this episode, you'll learn: How EOS provides structure and discipline that still allows for creativity in agencies and marketing firms. Why providing transparency into the company's vision and goals builds trust and helps employees understand the purpose behind operational changes. How bi-directional feedback between managers and employees improves communication and relationships but takes time to implement fully. What tools are available for managing EOS, so companies should evaluate options based on their needs and preferences. Best practices on continuously docume