Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

[Formed.] Returns THIS WEEK!



Hey friends, it's Chris here, and I've got some exciting news to share. [Formed.] is BACK, starting this week! Each episode is laser-focused on spiritual formation. This week, Lee Cummings joins us. And next week, a double-header with Ian Simkins and Addison Bevere. Three distinct voices, one united mission: to empower you in your journey to maturity as a disciple of Jesus. Now, here's what I need you to do: If you're not already following the podcast, hit that follow button right now, wherever you get your podcasts. And here's the kicker: Share this trailer with one person. Just one person who you know will be inspired, challenged, and equipped by this groundbreaking series to live a life of transformation and wholeness. Get ready, because we're about to embark on an incredible journey together on Win Today. Join me this week as we kick off [Formed.] featuring my friend, Lee Cummings. Stay tuned. I'll be in touch soon.