Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

James' Biggest Lessons from Losing 60 Pounds



Calvert Fitness member James Blatz celebrates 60 pounds lost in Calvert Fitness and shares the keys to his success. Mitch sat down with James to talk about his biggest breakthroughs, and the misconceptions and mindset shifts he's overcome along the way. We'll also outline how we plan to ensure he keeps it off for life. [0:00] - Intro [1:30] - Spark that got him going [2:40] - First big breakthrough with Calvert Fitness [3:52] - His new understanding of nutrition [6:40] - The biggest wins from dropping 60 pounds [8:48] - The recent compliment that came out of left field! [10:37] - Who would or wouldn't you recommend coaching for [13:41] - Our game plan to help him keep the weight off for life! [17:34] - How he's still losing with 400 more calories a day [19:40] - How we "cured" his carb phobia and getting results with 150g/day!