Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

345: [Formed.] Addison Bevere on When You Feel Like You've Been Abandoned by God, Why We "Expect" God to Sound Like the Accuser, and What it Takes to Move from Self-Actualization to Surrender



It's part three of [Formed.] and if you missed last week with Lee Cummings or earlier this week with Ian Simkins, listen as soon as you're finished with today's episode. Today, my good friend, Addison Bevere joins us to talk about what to do when it feels like you've been abandoned by God. We'll also talk about why we expect God to sound like the accuser, and what it takes to move from self-actualization to surrender. Here's a quick bio on Addison: he is the COO of Messenger International, an organization that impacts millions of people in over 150 countries through its various initiatives, and he serves as the co-founder of Dive Deeper: If you enjoy this episode with Addison, I'm sure you'll also enjoy the following: 343: [Formed.] Lee Cummings on Self-Care vs. Self-Obsession, Spiritual Slow-Drift, and The Disciplined Pursuit of More 344: [Formed.] Ian Simkins on Developing Critical Thinking Skills, Why Echo Chambers Are Killing Us, Why Knowledge without Wisdom Leads to Arroganc