Studio Sherpas Podcast

335. Transforming Passion Projects into Profitable Ventures: An Interview with Cody Dulock of Filmsupply



If you’re just itching to find a way to turn your passion projects into profitable and sustainable sources of income, then today’s show with Cody Dulock is certainly for you! Through his work with Musicbed, Filmsupply, and other brands, Cody has developed a process for how to approach creating work that is not only fulfilling for you, but also profitable. Stop just dreaming about having the creative freedom to create the films that you want, take some real steps to make them a reality! Key Takeaways Look into creative funding avenues to get your passion project funded. Take stock of the assets that you own to see if there is any potential for passive income through film licensing. Work with the end in mind when creating passion projects so that you can continue making them in a sustainable way. About Cody Dulock  Cody helped start Filmsupply 8 years ago and is now helping start the new highly curated photo licensing brand Stills. He leads the artist representation teams for the FM brands Filmsupply and Stil