Gardeners' Corner

Native seeds, an artist's haven and exotic seaside plants



Do you have native plants in your garden? A visit to True Harvest Seeds in Kilclief in Co Down showcases some of the native origin plants growing in the wild and how Debbie Gillies and the team of volunteers are preserving the seeds for the future. From the homegrown to the exotic - David heads to Cluain na dTor in Donegal to see Seamus O' Donnell's collection of stunning plants from across the world that are suitable for seaside gardens and coastal regions. Renowned artist Derek Hill's last home , Glebe Gallery, is open to the public and embracing his wild style of planting. David heads down to find out about their plans for the future. Expert Mary Doris joins David in studio to answer listeners' questions and chat about drought tolerant plants. Author and broadcaster Matthew Biggs also drops by to talk about his new children's book 'A home for every plant' . Email the programme on