Toy Power Podcast

#313: Mega Crossover Quiz!!



This week on the Toy Power Podcast; we challenged ourselves like never before!  The crossover event of our careers!  So please look forward to a Quiz show devised from Matt Teale'o; with participants from Dave's Video Graveyard & Geek Dudes; pitched against the Toy Power Team. This is actually Part Two of our crossover with good friends DVG and GeekDudes. If you’re wondering what happened to Part One; you’re not alone. I think Davey said it best, that when eight podcasters all yell at the same time, while chaotic and fun in places, it doesn’t necessarily make for good listening. On review, our decision to remove the PG filter wasn’t the right call either. Darren once said “Toy Power should be for everyone” and Part One simply didn’t fit that mantra - so it won’t be released. So for now, enjoy this family friendly quiz Battle Royale between us & our good mates. Please be sure to give a Listen & Follow to:- Fresh & Dirty Uncle Mitch on the Geek Dudes Podcast- Dave & Casey on the Dave's Video